Past Conferences

7th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies: ‘Appraising Critical Animal Studies’

Online, based in Great Britain, 24-25 June 2021

See the videos form the conference:


conference poster

6th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies: Rethinking revolution: Nonhuman animals, antispeciesism and power

Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 22-24 May 2019. Conference website


5th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies: Nonhuman Animals in Society: Exploring New Pathways for Resistance, Change and Accomodation

Lund, Sweden, 26th-28th October 2017. Conference website.


4th European Critical Animal Studies conference: Human & Nonhuman Animals: Liberation, History and Critical Animal Studies

Lisbon, Portugal, 6th-7th October 2015. Conference website.


3rd European Conference of Critical Animal Studies: The Challenges of Technoscience for Critical animal studies

Karlsruhe, Germany, 28th-30th November 2013. Conference website.


2nd European Conference for Critical Animal Studies: Reconfiguring the ‘Human’/’Animal’ Binary – Resisting Violence

Prague, Czech Republic. 15th-16th October 2011. Conference website.


1st European Conference for Critical Animal Studies: Animal(s) Matter(s): The Future of Critical Animal Studies

Liverpool, England. 23rd April 2010. Conference website – archive (original link)
