Announcing the new European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS)

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce today on World Vegan Day the formation of a new organisation – The European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS). Following a successful 4 th European conference earlier this month in Lisbon we feel that the time is right to focus energy on what is now a vibrant situation for critical animal studies in Europe. As CAS in Europe grows we see the need for a specific European organisation. Therefore we have decided to create EACAS with a view to being an autonomous non-hierarchical association for critical animal studies in Europe. We have a good degree of knowledge of developments in Europe and we have widespread support for this new association.  We believe that it can be an effective forum for networking us all together.

We envisage no Directors or Board but an equal membership of academics, students and activists who will work together to promote both CAS and the necessary radical shift in human/animal relations. We envisage no paid membership at this point in time although a voluntary process of donation will be introduced shortly in order to assist us with our activities.

If you wish to join EACAS simply e-mail us with a 100 word bio (including current work, main interests and main academic discipline if you feel this is applicable) and a photograph (this is optional). We intend to have a register of members on the EACAS web-site.

Chief amongst our tasks will be to seek potential locations for the 5 th conference to take place, probably in 2017. We also hope to publish a newsletter of developments in Europe on the EACAS web-site (therefore please do send us your news). We also hope to host or link to a European mailing list / listserv. Please also let us know when you contact us whether you would like to be active in EACAS and whether you wish to help with the administration of the Association. Your ideas for EACAS are most welcome!


Very best wishes,

Tereza Vandrovcová, Czech Republic.
Richard Twine, England.
Livia Boscardin, Switzerland.
Elisa Aaltola, Finland.
Matthew Cole, England.
Arianna Ferrari, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Kathrin Herrmann, Berlin, Germany.
Claire Molloy, England.
Helena Pedersen, Sweden.
Erika Cudworth, England.
Wahida Khandker, England.
Núria Almiron, Barcelona, Spain.
Richard White, England.
Kate Stewart, England.
Kay Peggs, England.


E-mail –

Web-site –

Facebook page: European Association for Critical Animal Studies – EACAS


This entry was posted on November 1, 2015, in Europe. Bookmark the permalink.