Call for papers until 15th June!

Call for papers for the 3rd Annual European Conference for Critical Animal  Studies: Technoscientific developments and Critical Animal Studies – see details here:

The Conference will be in English and vegan.

Areas of inquiry include

  • Nonhuman animals and new technologies (such as biotechnology and neurosciences)
  • Intersection in exploitation of nonhuman animals and the environment (such as climate change, “vertical farming”)
  • Critical perspectives on domestication and breeding
  • Critique of animal experiments
  • Alternative technologies and alternative sciences
  • Interventions in and redefinitions of nature
  • Critical perspectives on ethology and the discourse on cognitive-abilities of nonhuman animals
  • Posthumanism and critical animal studies
  • “Bioart” and artistic use of technoscience to reflect on animal rights
  • Future of critical animal studies
  • Feminism (e.g. biotechnology and sexual violation)
  • Cultural and literary representations of nonhuman animals from a CAS perspective
  • Critical Animal Studies vs Human-Animal Studies and the problem of translation
  • other areas relevant to Critical Animal Studies


  • Presentations should be fifteen to twenty minutes in length.
  • We are receptive to different and innovative formats including, but not limited to panels and workshops. You may propose individual or group “panel” presentations, but please clearly specify the structure of your proposal.
  • Please specify in your abstract whether it pertains to the academic or the activist field.
  • We encourage “young scholars” (graduate level – phd. level) to submit a talk. Please indicate, if you are a young scholar.
  • Please stress in your paper/roundtable/panel/etc. how you will be focusing on the program theme and linking it to critical animal studies. Also, please state if it does not address the conference theme.
  • Proposals or abstracts for panels, roundtables, workshops, or paper presentations should be no more than 500 words.
  • Please send with each facilitator or presenter a 100 maximum word biography (speaking to your activism and scholarship) in third person paragraph form.
  • Proposals will be evaluated anonymously. In order to facilitate the anonymization process, please include your name and affiliation on a separate page and make no reference to your identity in your proposal.
  • The deadline for submissions is June 15th 2013. Accepted presenters will be notified via e-mail by July 7th 2013.
  • Please submit your proposal to (Please use this address for submissions only and ask your questions here, in case you have any.)
