Environmental ethics in V4 countries (conference)

The conference aims to create a space for discussion of experts from the V4 countries on current issues concerning environmental ethics. The V4 countries share a similar socialist past which influenced the perceived value of environment still underestimated by many and seen as a mere source of raw materials. Proposed themes:

  •     Animal Rights and Ethics

Despite some legislative changes currently we still face the problem of insufficient reflection on the moral status and rights of animals. In this context it is important to deal with such kind of problems: What should our responsibilities be towards animals? Are animals and humans equal? Do we have to grant to (all) animals moral status?

  • Nature and Culture, Environmental Ethics in Relation to Science

Many refer to scientific and technological progress as the cause of the present ecological crisis. What should our attitude be towards science and technology in the context of the ecological crisis? Do we have to return to the state of living in harmony with nature? What it really means to live in harmony with nature? Does science really contribute to environmental problems? Is culture contrary to nature?

  • Values of Environmental Ethics

Values are one of the central categories of environmental ethics. How should we understand the environmental and ecological values? Who/what is the bearer of these values? What are these values in nature? Which values are the most important in environmental ethics?


Deadlines and information:

Deadline for abstract submission –  15. September 2016.

Required abstract length is around 150 words or less.

Online application form can be found here:


Information about accepting/rejecting the abstract within a week.

Accepted manuscripts will be published in the proceedings.

Full papers (no longer than 15 normpages) should be delivered until 1. October 2016 via email – enviroethicsv4@gmail.com

Conference fee 20e includes peer reviewed proceedings with ISBN on CD. Bank account number will be available on the web in the beginning of September 2016.

More information regarding the conference venue, conference program will be on the project web site:


or find via FB @enviroethicsv4
Conference languages include: Slovak, Czech, Polish, English